
University of Central Punjab in consultation with National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK) is
organizing its 2nd International Conference on new trends in Civil Engineering. The members include leading national
and international researchers and industrial professionals who will share their latest findings in the general field of
Civil Engineering.

Chairman’s Message

On behalf of the organizing committees, we invite you to join us in Lahore in December 9 & 10, 2024, to attend 2nd
International Conference on New Trends in Civil Engineering.
This Conference will provide you with the opportunities to exchange views and research interests on latest trends
in Civil Engineering.
Lahore is the capital of most populus province, Punjab. It is the cultural hub of Pakistan. Many historic places like
forts, museums and mosques offer great opportunity to travel through the history of the subcontinent. The
conference committee encourages your participation to enjoy the warm hospitality that Lahore and its people
have to offer.
We look forward to seeing you in Lahore in December 2024.

Contact for Conference details: 
Email: ntce@ucp.edu.pk 
Tel: +9235880007 (Ext. 370)
Muhammad Awais
Mob: 0306 9884294

Aims and Scope

University of Central Punjab Journal of Law and Legal Education (UCP-JLLE) is published on behalf of University of Central Punjab (UCP), Faculty of Laws (FoL). It is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal.

The aim of journal is twofold. One, is to promote dialogue on the development and application of various laws in Pakistan and around the world. The journal also aims to promote comparison of various laws and their application with that of Pakistan’s.

The second aim is to provide a platform to the legal academics where they could share their experiences while teaching law with experiential and clinical methodology.
The development of law clinics in Pakistan is also within the scope of this Journal.
The editorial and advisory boards of the journal comprise notable law academics, scholars, Judges and members of Bar Councils from Pakistan and around the World.

Journal Description

The University of Central Punjab Journal of Law and Legal Education (UCP-JLLE) is a publication of the University of Central Punjab (UCP). The University is a part of the Punjab Group of Colleges, the largest group of colleges in Pakistan. The UCP  was chartered by Government of the Punjab in 2002 and recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

LLB (Hons) Faculty of Law (FoL) in the year 2017 under the supervision of Dr. Hadia Awan, the first Dean, along with a zealous Team. FoL has the pride of introducing formally, the experiential and clinical method of law teaching in Pakistan. The UCP-JLLE as reflection of the teaching methodology provides an opportunity to the academics to share and discuss their experiences with their colleagues across the world. It is the first ever Law Journal in Pakistan of its kind covering not only issues of laws but also of how the legal education is taking shape and how it ought to be.